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Tuesday 4 September 2018

Xenophobia increases in Italy

Por olimurs.92

It is the second attack occurred in less than 24 hours. Nigerian-born Italian athlete Daisy Osakue, 22, who is a record-breaking champion, became the second victim as she returned home alone in the early hours of Monday morning. A group of young people chased her from a car and threw eggs. One of them struck him in the eye causing a corneal injury.

The wound that peoped the attack had to be operated. Although he did not receive xenophonic insults Osakue believes that the attackers were looking expressly for a person of color because no one comes out with eggs in their hands at that time. In addition, he expressed his dismay because, although he had already been the victim of racism in other occasions, until now they had been only verbal attacks.

The day before, another person was a victim of xenophobia, a 43-year-old Moroccan man who was chased by two Italians by car in the town of Aprilia, near Rome. The attackers managed to get him off the road, claiming that he was a thief and after that they went on foot to the vehicle and gave the convalescing man punches and kicks, causing death. The autopsy must still clarify the causes of death.

The two Italians, aged 43 and 46, saw a vehicle they thought was suspicious on their street and decided that the two people in the vehicle were thieves who were going to steal. One of the "intruders" managed to escape, but the other lost his life after the men decided to take justice into their own hands and begin the persecution.

The two currently arrested have been charged with pre-intentional homicide. However, they did not admit that they had attacked the victim, as the Carabinieri later proved.

The declarations of the athlete have alarmed to all Italy, more taking into account that in the last month and means and they are more than 10 the victims by a wave of racism that extends by all the country. Even the president, Sergio Mattarella, referring to the issue, said that everything must be done because Italy does not become the wild west.

After the last cases, the opposition and some associations have started talking about a "racism alert", but the Italian Government denies such an emergency situation. For his part, Interior Minister Matteo Salvini continues his line of criminalizing certain immigration.