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Thursday, 10 May 2018

Indian citizens are scared by killer dogs

Por Olivia Rosario Rodríguez

Villagers in northern India are frightened by several wild dog attacks that happened last week, in which six children died and 12 were injured. The murders occurred near the city of Sitapur. The terrible news alerted the parents, who decided to keep their little ones at home and kill any dogs they find.

According to the senior police officer Anand Kulkarni, many of the attacks occurred when the children went out to collect fruits or when they left their homes to go to the bathroom, since most of the houses in that area lack interior pipes.

The authorities reported that the deceased children were between ages 5 and 12. Still, it is unknown how many dogs were involved in the attacks. Another important fact is that India has millions of street dogs, they survive in the cities eating wasted food, even in the most exclusive neighborhoods.

Often, these animals have to face the cruelty of some individuals and that’s one of the reasons why in India injuries by dog attacks are very common. Nevertheless, the dead children have surprised the whole community of Sitapur. Many people in the area consider that the attacks began after a nearby illegal slaughterhouse was closed. This situation caused the animals to become more aggressive because they lost an important source of food.

Either way, villagers say that the groups of dogs are terrifying. The latest deaths correspond to three children, one of them was killed on May 1, and Two more children died on May 4. Also, education officials say that in some schools the attendance of students decreased after the attacks. Even the parents were asked to accompany their children to school.

In the villages, parents were ordered not to allow their children to go alone to the toilets. On the other hand, they should not go out to play for several days, until they catch all these dogs. Many people have shot and strangled the street dogs because they believe it is the only option to solve the problem. Also, the inhabitants of the region consider that the government has done nothing to help the affected population, even though it is about human lives.