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Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Mother Teresa Foundation has been questioned

Por olimurs.92

An unfortunate fact has put into question all the work of the renowned foundation Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who carries with honor the name of that tireless and generous fighter. It is about the arrest of a nun and an employee of a home for single mothers, who have been accused of selling a baby. As a result, the government of India ordered the search of all the centers of the charitable foundation.

All the scandal arose as a result of the complaint of a couple, who claims to have paid approximately 120 thousand rupees, which is equivalent to one thousand 760 dollars, to Anima Indwar, a nun and an employee of a shelter for single mothers run by the work of Mother Teresa, in Jharkhand, India. After this fact, another three quite similar complaints came to light.

The arrests on Tuesday and Wednesday were made after the complaint that the employee had recovered the child and had not returned the money. Sunita Kumar, spokeswoman for the institution, said that Missionaries of Charity carried out their own investigation and that the fact is not possible because the Missionaries of Charity stopped delivering children for adoption three years ago. The lady added that she had never taken money from adoptive parents. Kumar said that for the time being, about 100,000 rupees were recovered from the arrested people, which is approximately 1,470 dollars. He also clarified that the baby was born on May 1 and that his mother lives in the shelter.

The arrested woman had delivered the baby to the Indian couple on May 14 in Ranchi, capital of Jharkhand state. On July 1, the criminal called them and asked them to visit the shelter with the baby to finish some formalities and when they arrived she took the baby.

Faced with this situation, Maneka Gandhi, Minister of Development of Women and Children, ordered to inspect the children's homes run by the Missionaries of Charity in Ranchi.

Mother Teresa was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and Pope Francis canonized her last year, two decades after her death. In 1950, she founded Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, a work that installed hundreds of homes to serve the poorest. For that reason, the crime is even more regrettable since it has questioned all the work of the emblematic institution of charity