India adopts environmentalists measures
One of the phenomena that affects the most the environment is the contamination with plastic, it is a problem that every minute becomes bigger due to the high consumption of that product in all the aspects of our daily life. However, a lot of nations have pronounced against this alarming situation, even some, like India, are advancing toward the penalization of it use step by step.

Authorities of the Indian state of Maharashtra, one of the most populous of the western area of the Asian country, absolutely prohibited the use of plastic products from this weekend. Now, law violations of that kind are considered a crime that can bear 370 dollars tickets and even sentences of up to three months in prison for recurrent offenders.
The main problem with that material in the Indian state is that the products elaborated with it, block the sewers and the channels during the Monsoon phenomenon time. B.N. Patil, director of the Department of Regional Environment, said to international media that, also, the plastic has a huge impact in the contamination of the coastal ecosystem, the environment and the public places in general, as well as the floods. Those are the main elements used as a justification the adopted the measure.
It happens that, from June to September, the rains associated to the Monsoon phenomenon shake this state especially of more than 100 million inhabitants, whose capital, Bombay, is the financial axis of India. Especially in that time, the plastic products block the sewers and conduits of exit of the water.
As it was established by law, the citizens who are discovered using plastics will have to pay a ticket of 5.000 rupees, the equivalent of 74 dollars, just if it is for the first time. It is worth noting that it is a significant figure, since most of the Indian wages don't overcome those 10.000 rupees to the month, or 150 dollars.
For those who break the law for the second time, the number will be duplicated, but if they do it again show up a case and it will be decided by the tribunal; for them the tickets will ascend to until 25.000 rupees, around, 370 dollars and hardships will be imposed of up to three months of prison.
All of this is closely related with the fact that India was chosen this year by the UN as the host of the World Environment Day, celebrated at the beginning of this month, with the objective of getting the attention to reduce urgently the production and excessive use of plastics.