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Monday, 28 May 2018

Rural India's lack of doctors

Por Olivia Rosario Rodríguez

Often in the Indian field, where there are not enough doctors, people appeal to the faith healers who take advantage of the social stigmata and the population's ignorance to get rich. These practices frequently finish in the death of many youths who prefer to die before their families or their neighbors find out about their pregnancies.

According to data of the National Health Profile of 2017, published by Indian Government, the Asian country has 1.000.000 doctors of modern medicine to attend around 1.300 million people, but alone 110.000 doctors work in the public sector, in institutions that offer service to 900 million people in the rural areas. These data are the proof that there are many Indian people who have difficulties to consent to a sanitary appropriate attention.

The patients of rural areas are generally peasants' families with low economic resources. For many of them, to visit the hospital means to lose a day of wage. However, in the last times, India has experienced a change of mentality about the population's sanitary conscience. For example, most of the women prefer to go to a hospital to give birth, and many families are willing to request a loan, although it often means the bankruptcy, to pay a treatment in a private hospital in cities like Hyderabad or Bangalore.

The certain thing is that the sanity in the rural areas confronts diverse and complex challenges. The lack of medications, of services and, mainly, qualified personnel, are the main problems in those regions. In spite of the Government's effort to solve them through programs as the Rural Service for the recent graduate ones, a big deficit of doctors still exists. The project has the objective to attract those that finish the career of Medicine to the rural areas of the country, with a three-year-old work commitment and then they have facilities to specialize, but thousands of vacancies in the rural areas continue without covering.

In this gap, caused by the desperation, the incomprehension, and the person's frustration because they cannot be treated, the quacks and humbugs appear. They take advantage of people's ignorance, the lack of doctors and the authorities’ difficulties to control them. Also of the public faulty system and the high costs of a private sanity, that condemns to the ruin thousands of persons and even to the death.

It is a complicated situation because, in rural India, the stigma and discrimination are enormous to the girls who get pregnant before marriage. When they go to the hospital they are registered and there’s a risk that somebody of their town sees them. The problem is that when there is a complication during the abortion, these fake doctors don't know what to do and if there’s a problem with the intervention the woman might die.. Even worse, the girl's family will never denounce the practitioner because pregnancy would be discovered.