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Monday, 14 May 2018

Another Indian girl killed

Por olimurs.92

Another horrible femicide in India. The third just this week. This time the victim was teenager, that was only 16 years old,. The girl died beause of the burns caused by a 26-year-old man, whom she threatened to denounce after he raped her in her own home. Police have already arrested two people, one of them the victim's cousin.

The girl was alone at home when the events took place. According to the police reports, she lived in the Indian district of Sagar, in the center of the Asian country. The crime has brought back to the foreground the case of sexual violence in tpatriarchal society, in which the culture of silence prevails.

Authorities announced that they already arrested two possible perpetrators of the crime, one of whom, the main suspect, is a cousin of the murdered girl. He is a 26 year-old man, who is married and has a son.

Two other similar cases occurred a week ago in the state of Jharkhand, in northeastern India: one of the girls raped died and the other, who is just 17 years old, is still between life and death after being burned by a 19-year-old man.

At this time, legislation against sexual assault is constantly being reinforced, after the alarming increase of rapes in India. In the country, it is known that more than 100 violations are reported daily. But the battle didn’t start now, since 2012 the subject is the main theme of public debates, since the collective rape of a young university student in New Delhi that year.

Recently, the Indian government established the death penalty for violators of children under 12 years of age. The decision was taken after the rape and murder of an 8-year-old Muslim girl in the north region of the country.

It is worth noting that around 40.000 rapes were registered in India in 2016, but many people believe that the number would be much higher due to the silence surrounding these kind of crimes.

There have been many people who have taken to the streets in recent weeks to protest against the constant sexual assault and the lack of respect for women in India. Many females do not feel safe in this patriarchal society. Sometimes rapes and abuses happen within the same family, and, if they denounce the aggressor, can have the same destiny that those innocent girls had.