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Wednesday 27 June 2018

Women are in danger

Por Olivia Rosario Rodríguez

The high risk of sexual violence and slave labor are the main dangers faced by females in India. A study conducted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, based on a survey of 550 experts on women's issues, showed that India is the most dangerous nation in terms of sexual violence against women, as well as human trafficking for women. Domestic work, forced labor and marriage and sexual slavery.

It is the most dangerous country in the world because of the cultural traditions that impact women. Acid attacks, female genital mutilation, child marriage and physical abuse frequently occur in India, to name just a few problems. The worrying thing is that seven years ago the nation was ranked number four, which speaks of a significant increase in violence against women.

In the list, headed by the Asian country, the United States occupies the number 10th place, the only western country that was included, because the other nine nations belong to Asia, the Middle East or Africa.

The report was released at a time when public outrage is growing in India, a country in which sexual violence against women occupies a top position on the national agenda. Last week, for example, the rape of five young activists, who were kidnapped, raped and recorded with a cell phone by a group of men in the eastern part of the country, came to light.

According to international experts, the fact that India has moved to the top of the survey shows that not enough is being done to protect the rights of women.

The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has been heavily pressured by the issue of sexual violence has pressured who opponents accuse of not adequately address the issue of violence against women.India has struggled for a long time with the issue of sexual violence. In the months following the 2012 case, the central government passed legislation that increased penalties for sexual assault, rape and sexual abuse, including the extension of prison sentences and the introduction of the death penalty.

But despite the introduction of stricter laws, about 100 sexual assaults are reported to the police in the country every day, according to the National Office of Crime Records, with almost 39,000 reported attacks in 2016, which represents an increase 12 percent compared to the previous year.